What should you consider before buying a Sauna?

What should you consider before buying a Sauna?

Home Saunas have become extremely popular lately, after all, who wants to go to a pool just to use a sauna for 1 or 2 hours and then leave? Instead, why not have a home sauna, install it where you want, and use it as much as you want whenever you like? Today we will investigate what you should consider when you want to purchase a home sauna.

Type of Sauna and Size

Normal traditional home saunas to infrared saunas and steam saunas are generally the types of Saunas provided for individuals and private use. For many home sauna owners, the choice of what type of sauna to choose ultimately comes down to personal preferences and well-being requirements. Consider what type of experience you desire. The traditional saunas are very heat intensive, so if you desire a less heat-intensive but prioritizing health and wellbeing as a priority then infrared saunas are an ideal option.

Price Cost

Home saunas can be extremely pricy depending on the type, quality of timber, and equipment. The size of the sauna along with any additional features can skyrocket the price of a home sauna. Traditional steam saunas do come off as pricier than infrared saunas. Entry-level home saunas are around $2,000 and the cost of material which may induce less effective health benefits or costly repairs may lower the price costs. Having a list of materials and features will help determine your home sauna price costs and budget better and remove any unnecessary additional features that may offer no other benefits besides aesthetics.

Installing a Location

Installing a home sauna is a great investment for health and well-being. An in-home sauna can add value to the property. If it is portable, you can also take it with you. Generally, infrared saunas can be installed almost anywhere inside your home or under a shelter. Traditional steam saunas are limited in their installation area as they need to be professionally installed due to plumbing, drainage, ventilation, and electrical requirements which is why they come out as more expensive than traditional home saunas. A good checklist to consider is, will the home sauna be indoors or outdoors, limitations of the property, dimensions of the sauna and chosen space, adequate electrical outlet nearby, and adequate ventilation.


Kylin Australia is the expert in providing Australian homeowners with compact, modernized, and stylistic Sauna and appliances for their homes. Home Saunas are becoming more and more popular due to the multitude of health benefits that it brings to individuals.